Why Do New Programmers Quit So Quickly May 09, 2020 If you are a programmer or a computer scientist, you have probably been asked a gazillion times by a friend (or a friend’s friend) to teach them or guide them into the programming world. And yet, very few of those friends actually succeed in that. Why is that? We are about to see that. And if you are a programmer who just started learning, use this as a motivation to keep going. ...
If C and Python Had a Baby Jan 09, 2018 After working for ages in PHP, Python and Java, I wanted to try something new. I was (and still am) happy with those languages, but it just didn’t feel right, there was something missing. Just like everything in this world, each and every language has its own pluses and minuses. Some of the pluses and minuses are just facts, while some are just subjective feelings toward the language. For example, I just adore Python for its simplicity and ability to create new things in matter of “minutes”. ...
My Google Interview Experience Mar 09, 2017 (I wont be giving any technical questions I was asked. There are a lot of pages where you can get such information.) I was minding my own business… …when I received an email from a Google recruiter. At first I thought it was a prank or a scam. But email came from google.com domain. At the time I was also sceptical since somebody could have created their own mail server and “SMTP” that email to me. ...